Roper Dental Group


Flap Surgery

Roper Dental Group offers your entire family comprehensive dental care that’s second to none.

Understanding Flap Surgery

Flap surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, is a common procedure used to treat advanced gum disease. It involves lifting the gums to access the tooth roots and underlying bone. Our experienced dentists carefully remove tartar, plaque, and diseased tissue before reshaping the bone, if necessary. The gums are then repositioned to reduce pocket depth and promote healing.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

The recovery time after flap surgery varies from patient to patient. It typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks for the gums to heal completely. Following our post-operative care instructions is crucial for optimal healing. We will guide you on proper oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and activities to avoid during the healing period.

Call our office to find out how you can achieve your whitest smile.

Safe and Affordable Dental Checkups

Are you suffering from advanced gum disease? At Roper Dental Group, we offer professional flap surgery to restore your gum health and improve your oral well-being. Our skilled dental team is dedicated to providing safe and affordable dental checkups and treatments to patients in Gilbert, Mesa, and San Tan Valley. Schedule an appointment with us today to discuss your flap surgery options.

Schedule an Appointment for Flap Surgery Today

At Roper Dental Group, we are dedicated to providing safe and effective flap surgery procedures to restore your gum health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss your specific needs. Our dental team is committed to offering affordable dental checkups and treatments in Gilbert, Mesa, and San Tan Valley. Trust us with your oral health journey.

What Our Client Says


Best service ever! From the front desk staff to being in the chair with Dr. Matt Roper, the care & consideration is stellar! Thank you!

David S.
Very pleasant, knowledgeable staff and always available when needed!
Rofia H.

Frequently Ask Question

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Flap surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, is a procedure used to treat advanced gum disease. It involves lifting the gums to access the tooth roots and underlying bone to remove tartar, plaque, and diseased tissue. Flap surgery is performed when non-surgical treatments have not been effective in treating gum disease and when there is significant pocket depth, bone loss, or gum recession.

During flap surgery, local anesthesia is used to numb the area, ensuring that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. However, you may experience some minor discomfort or pain after the surgery.

The recovery time after flap surgery can vary from patient to patient. Typically, it takes a few days to a couple of weeks for the gums to heal completely. It is important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your dentist, which may include proper oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and avoiding certain activities during the healing period.

Flap surgery offers several benefits for patients with advanced gum disease. It helps reduce pocket depth, allowing for better access and maintenance of your teeth. By removing diseased tissue and reshaping the bone, flap surgery can prevent further bone loss and promote gum tissue regeneration.

Like any surgical procedure, flap surgery carries some risks. These may include infection, bleeding, swelling, or sensitivity in the treated area. However, with proper preoperative evaluation, careful execution of the surgery, and postoperative care, the risks are minimized.