Roper Dental Group



Roper Dental Group offers your entire family comprehensive dental care that’s second to none.

Understanding Jaw TMJ

TMJ disorder refers to a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint, which connects your jawbone to your skull. It can cause pain, tenderness, and dysfunction in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Stress, teeth grinding or clenching, jaw misalignment, or injury are just a few of the causes of TMJ disorder.

Common symptoms of TMJ disorder include jaw pain or soreness, clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth, difficulty chewing or biting, headaches, earaches, and facial pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to schedule an appointment with our dental team for an evaluation and proper diagnosis.

Treating Jaw TMJ

To diagnose TMJ disorder, our experienced dentists will perform a thorough examination of your jaw joint, bite, and overall oral health. We may also take dental X-rays or recommend additional tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans, to assess the condition of your jaw joint and surrounding structures.

Treatment for TMJ disorder depends on the severity and underlying cause of your symptoms. Our skilled dentists may recommend conservative treatments such as lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, jaw exercises, and the use of a dental splint or mouthguard to alleviate your symptoms. In more severe cases, we may suggest orthodontic treatment, dental restorations, or even surgery.

Call our office to find out how you can achieve your whitest smile.

Schedule an Appointment for Jaw TMJ Treatment

Scheduling an appointment for jaw TMJ treatment at Roper Dental Group is easy. You can contact our office directly by phone or email, or you can use our online appointment scheduling system.

Safe and Affordable Checkups

If the bleeding persists for 20-30 minutes despite applying ice and pressure, it is essential to seek professional medical attention promptly. Urgently visit your dentist or go to the emergency room for further evaluation.

Remember, if you are experiencing pain due to an injury in your mouth or teeth, it is considered a dental emergency, and you should not delay seeking treatment. Acting swiftly significantly increases the chances of preserving a damaged or injured tooth.

What Our Client Says


Best service ever! From the front desk staff to being in the chair with Dr. Matt Roper, the care & consideration is stellar! Thank you!

David S.
Very pleasant, knowledgeable staff and always available when needed!
Rofia H.

Frequently Ask Question

More questions? We’re ready to help. Give us a call at 480-963-9900 or book your free consultation now.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorder refers to a condition that affects this joint and can cause pain and discomfort.

Common symptoms of TMJ disorder include jaw pain, facial pain, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, headaches, and earaches.

TMJ disorder can have various causes, including teeth grinding or clenching, jaw misalignment, arthritis, stress, and injury to the jaw joint.

Our experienced dentists at Roper Dental Group will perform a comprehensive examination, which may include evaluating your jaw joint, bite, and overall oral health. X-rays or other imaging tests may be recommended to aid in the diagnosis.

Treatment options for TMJ disorder may include lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, jaw exercises, dental splints or mouthguards, orthodontic treatment, and, in some cases, surgery. Our dental team will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on your specific condition.