I have one peg lateral tooth and it really bothers me. I hate the way it makes my smile look so I never smile in pictures. Someone mentioned to me that I might be able to get this fixed with dental bonding and I wanted to know if that was accurate before I get my hopes up too much.


Dear Carly,

What Are Peg Laterals?

I am going to answer your question, but not many readers will know what a peg lateral is, so I will start with that. Peg laterals are a genetic malformation of the developing tooth, which essentially means the tooth does not fully develop. As a result, the teeth look smaller than the other teeth and sometimes can even be pointy.

This asymmetry can affect the overall balance and harmony of the smile, prompting individuals to seek cosmetic solutions to enhance their teeth’ appearance.

Can Dental Bonding Work?

For those who may not know what dental bonding is I have a picture directly above of one of its most common uses. Dental bonding uses a composite resin to replace missing tooth structures. It is used to fix chipped teeth, gapped teeth, divots, and much more.

In answer to your question, yes, dental bonding can fix the peg lateral tooth. Your dentist will fill the area with the composite material that is shaded to match your tooth, and then it will be appropriately shaped, adjusted, polished, and smoothed. If done correctly, it will match your bite perfectly.

Dental bonding, a versatile and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, offers a solution for correcting various aesthetic issues, including peg laterals. Here’s how dental bonding works:

  • Composite Resin Application:

The dental bonding process involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin directly to the affected tooth. This resin is carefully sculpted to achieve the desired shape and size.

  • Bonding and Shaping:

The resin is bonded to the tooth’s surface using a special light, ensuring a secure and durable attachment. The dentist then skillfully shapes and contours the resin to harmonize with the surrounding teeth, addressing the peg lateral’s aesthetic concerns.

  • Seamless Integration:

Peg lateral bonding aims for seamless integration, creating a natural-looking tooth that blends effortlessly with the adjacent teeth. The color, shape, and size are meticulously tailored to achieve symmetry and enhance the overall smile.

Benefits of Dental Bonding for Peg Laterals:

  • Conservative Approach:

Dental bonding is a conservative and non-invasive option, preserving much of the natural tooth structure while effectively addressing aesthetic concerns.

  • Minimized Discomfort:

The procedure is generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort, often requiring little to no anesthesia.

  • Immediate Results:

One of the significant advantages of dental bonding is the immediate transformation it offers. Patients can leave the dental office with a revitalized and balanced smile.

You Have Options

Another solution for peg laterals is to have dental crowns placed over them. Often there is so much structure missing that you don’t even need a lot of tooth preparation. Because the crowns are made from porcelain, they are more stain-resistant than the composite bonding. I’d advise the crown as your first option, but if you are opposed to them, then getting bonding done is a great second choice.

Make sure the dentist you go to have this procedure done is experienced in dental bonding and can show you before and after images of cases he’s done, similar to the photo I posted above. Dental bonding is a tricky procedure that has to be done freehand. There is no try-in for the results the way you would get with dental crowns.

Considerations and Consultation:

  • Individualized Assessment:

A successful outcome hinges on an individualized assessment of the peg lateral and the surrounding teeth. During a consultation, the dentist will evaluate the extent of correction needed and discuss realistic expectations.

  • Alternative Options:

While dental bonding is effective for many cases, there might be instances where alternative solutions like veneers or crowns are recommended. The dentist will guide patients on the most suitable option based on their unique circumstances.

Conclusion: Aesthetic Harmony with Dental Bonding

In the realm of cosmetic dentistry, dental bonding stands out as a versatile and effective technique for addressing peg laterals and enhancing overall smile aesthetics. Through meticulous artistry and a commitment to individualized care, dental professionals can seamlessly restore symmetry and confidence, offering patients a reason to smile with newfound assurance and pride.

Aesthetic Harmony with Dental Bonding

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